Cornerstone Fellowship Bible Church

Updates & Information


Current Announcements

Faithful Men Retreat

We want to let our men know that this year’s FAITHFUL MEN RETREAT at Ironwood Christian Camp will be April 25-26 (all men 12 and up are welcome). If you are able to participate in this retreat, we believe that you will find this to be a great opportunity for fellowship with men from several of our sister churches around the theme of “Men of Conviction.” There’s also delicious food and a number of other activities that we know you will enjoy. Early-bird registration is $110 until April 2; after that the cost is $120.

You can register HERE.

Membership Class

We have a MEMBERSHIP CLASS that will be taking place Sunday, March 23. If you are interested in learning more about Cornerstone, please RSVP here. Lunch will be provided, and we will have childcare available for Newborns – 9 yrs old.

February 2025 Financial Update

We rejoice in the Lord for His goodness to us and for your ongoing faithfulness in giving to His work. The charts in this Financial Update show the General Fund budget, Giving, and Expenses for all General Fund activity for the month of February and year to date, as well as ending balances as of February 28, 2025.

Women's Bible Study

Our Women’s Ministry is excited to announce the launch of a 7-week Study through A Gospel Primer for Christians, beginning on Tuesday,  March 18th and Thursday, March 20th. You will not want to miss this opportunity, even if you have done the lessons before (we have made significant revisions to these lessons in an effort to help us practice gospel thinking in daily life).

We will work our way through the “31 Reasons to Rehearse the Gospel Daily,” and we will answer questions we often hear, like, “What does it even mean to preach the gospel yourself?” and “How do we do that?”  So, join us as we grow more deeply rooted in Christ together, and are transformed by the power of the gospel!

Sign up HERE only if you are not currently attending our Sermon on the Mount study. We have copies of A Gospel Primer for $5.00 each at the Women’s Bible Study table in the Alcove after service on Sunday.  

Women's Spring Gathering


Ladies, do you want to know how the gospel can help you to address your fear, anger, guilt, and shame? If so, we encourage you to attend the Women’s Spring Gathering on April 5th and discover how the gospel speaks into these struggles. This gathering will be here on campus from 11:30am-3:00pm, with a delicious lunch provided. The cost is only $10 per person! If you plan to join us, please sign up at the Women’s Ministry table in the Alcove.

Get your Giving Statement

To generate your own Giving Statement, simply log into CCC and follow the steps below:

  • Click on your Profile in the top right corner

  • Choose the Involvement tab

  • Click on the ellipsis (3 dots) menu on the Financial tile

  • Select Giving Statement

For a step-by-step guide, click here.

If you cannot print your own statement, please send a message to and we will print one for you.

2025 Parenting Conference

Parenting isn’t just for parents, it’s for anyone who influences the next generation. Whether you’re dreaming of becoming a parent, raising little ones, guiding teens, mentoring young couples, or nurturing your grandchildren, this conference is for you. Even spiritual parents, mentors, guardians, and those who disciple others will gain valuable insights!

Led by Scott O’Malley from Twelve Stones Ministry, this conference is rooted in biblical truth and will equip you with practical tools to draw out and speak to the hearts of children and families. Learn how to:

  • Avoid common parenting pitfalls

  • Keep the gospel central in your relationships

  • Navigate challenges like discipline and same-sex attraction biblically

Whether you’re shaping lives in your home, church, or community, this conference will equip you for lasting impact.

When: Friday, May 16 – Saturday, May 17, 2025

Where: Cornerstone Fellowship Bible Church


  • $15 per person (early bird rate until April 13)

  • $25 per person (after April 13)

Register today! Space is limited. Click here to secure your spot.

Make an eternal investment in the lives God has entrusted to you!

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