Women’s Ministry exists in unison with other ministries at Cornerstone to further enable women to experience the gospel in all its fullness by training and equipping each woman to be continually growing into the likeness of Christ.
The paradigm below reflects support of a woman’s growth in every relationship: her relationship with God, her family, the church family, and with others.
Bible Study: Studying God’s Word together to promote our transformation into the likeness of Christ.
Discipleship: Partnerships for women to be discipled in a one-anothering context, promoting growth in their gospel journey. This ministry includes in-depth training of disciplers to equip them for service.
Gatherings: This includes special times for biblical instruction, encouragement, friendship, refreshment and outreach. Typical events include a ministry year kick-off, tea, retreats, and conferences.
2025 Women’s Spring Gathering
All ladies 12 yrs old and up are invited to our Annual Women’s Spring Gathering which will be held here on the CFBC campus, Saturday, April 5 from 11:00am to 3:00pm. Please RSVP HERE if you are planning on attending. Last day to sign up for this event is March 30.
Join your sisters as we journey together through a study of A Gospel Primer. You can access our Bible Study files here.
Tuesday Evening: 6:30 – 8:30pm @ CFBC, Room 100 (No childcare available)
Thursday Morning: 9:15am – 11:30am @ CFBC, Room 103 (Childcare provided)
Thursday Evening: 6:30pm – 8:30pm at Milissa Kaufman’s Home (No childcare available); please contact milissak@cornerstonebible.org for more information.
Sign up HERE.
Being Discipled: We offer 1:1 and small group discipleship.
Trained as a Discipler: For training in how to develop as a discipler, you may consider participating in the training consisting of biblical study materials formatted to work at your pace, small group classes, and our individualized support.
Sign up or contact us about being discipled or training to be a discipler.
Access our philosophy and methodology of discipleship ministry.
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If you’re new to Cornerstone Fellowship Bible Church, or would like to submit a prayer request. Please fill out the connection card below:
Cornerstone Fellowship Bible Church
1190 Columbia Ave.
Riverside, CA 92507